We Ride Australia

Leadership Award

Leadership Award

Sponsorship of the Leadership Award category is currently available. Email Stephen for a prospectus.


Across Australia and across a huge range of cultural, political and geographical contexts, cycling is the subject of a renewed focus due to its community amenity, health and sustainable mobility benefits.

Cycling leaders, whether volunteers, employed or political, are raising public acceptance, removing barriers, increasing safety and generally making it easier for the community to enjoy the benefits of cycling.

The work they do addresses diverse challenges, from cultural and geographical contexts to the maturity of local cycling cultures.

Cycling leaders employ a range of innovative strategies and display leadership and courage to drive change.

The award highlights the individuals who through their effort, initiative and passion have made tangible and important contributions to making it easier for people to ride a bike.


The nominee has shown commitment and leadership in improving cycling either within their professional field of expertise, through a volunteer position or their sphere of influence.

The nominee has been innovative, achieved results that have made a difference by creating cycling friendly environments and facilitated an increase in cycling participation.

Please include references to the following points when making your nomination;

  1. What has the nominee achieved and what difference has it made to participation in cycling in the past year (2022-20233)?
  2. What innovative approaches has the nominee taken to achieve positive outcomes?
  3. How has the nominee’s work promoted the long-term benefit for cyclists?
  4. What challenges has the nominee encountered and overcome in the previous year?
  5. How has the nominee demonstrated leadership in the areas of cycling promotion, policy development or the creation of infrastructure?