In a significant event* this week in Parliament Welsh MP Lee Waters was hosted by the Parliamentary Friends of Cycling group to hear how he transformed Welsh transport as Minister for Transport and Deputy Minister for Climate Change.

Above: L-R, Peter Bourke, Sara Stace – Better Streets, Kirsty Kelly – AITPM, Lee Waters MS, Hon. Andrew Wallace MP, Dr Helen Haines MP, Kate Chaney MP, Senator David Pocock, Stephen Hodge.

Lee Waters, a sitting Member of the Welsh Parliament, made global headlines by pausing all new roads schemes while an independent review was carried out to test alignment with climate targets, leading to a change in the default speed limit in built-up areas to 20mph. Also:

  • Established a Wales national transport strategy that puts modal-shift at its heart.
  • Set a target of 45% of journeys to be made by public transport, walking and cycling by 2040.
  • Froze all road building schemes and established an independent Roads Review panel to judge the pipeline of new schemes against legislated climate targets.
  • Led reform of bus policy to create ‘One network, one timetable, one ticket’.
  • Reset the remit for Transport for Wales as a multi-modal delivery body.

Watch the highlights reel here:

Links to the videos of full presentations can be found below.

Above: a full house in Parliament House to hear from Lee Waters and Phil Jones.

Lee was joined by Director on the Board of Active Travel England, and experienced transport planner Phil Jones. Lee’s presentation was a fascinating insight into the way he used Wales’ legislated carbon targets to take an objective look at the way their transport system is funded, planned and delivered and created intense interest amongst the 40 guests and Parliamentarians.

Above: Phil Jones provides the UK context ahead of address from Lee Waters.

The event in Parliament House Canberra was attended by a large group of key stakeholders including representatives from Australian cycling organisations, the Heart Foundation, ClimateWorks, the Council of Capital City Lord Mayors, Australian Local Government Association, Engineers Australia, Trek Bicycles, Australian Institute of Architects and more.

Above: Lee Waters addresses Parliamentarians and guests in the event hosted by the Parliamentary Friends of Cycling group.

We Ride Australia organises the Parliamentary Friends of Cycling group which is Chaired by Zaneta Mascarenhas the Member for Swan WA, the Hon. Andrew Wallace the Member for Fisher QLD and Dr Helen Haines, the Member for Indi VIC.

Above: the address by Lee Waters was an opportunity to find out a lot more on the changes he implemented in Wales. Here Kate Chaney MP talks to Phil Jones while Lee Waters talks to Phil Latz and Alison McCormack behind.

Above: Lee was able to meet Senator David Pocock and talk about some of the rugby legends matches against Wales in Cardiff and other occasions. The Senator came to hear Lee talk about the changes he has made to improve road safety, choice for road users and meet Wales legislated climate targets.

Videos of presentations by Lee Waters and Phil Jones, highlights reel and reflections


The video of Lee Waters’ presentation is available here:

Co-Chair, the Hon. Andrew Wallace MP, introduces Phil Jones:

Phil Jones addressed the context and changes underway in the UK in active transport before introducing Key Note, Welsh MP Lee Waters. Watch his address here:

Dr Helen Haines, a Co-Chair of the Friends of Cycling group, provided some perceptive and thoughtful comments to wrap up this unique event in Parliament. You can watch the video of her ‘wrap’ here:

Above: Australian bicycle organisation senior leaders were in Canberra to hear Lee Waters speak. From L-R Peter Mclean, Melinda Tarrant, David Whitney, Sara Stace, Kirsty Kelly, Hon. Rachel Nolan, Lee Waters MS, Nick Hannan, Hon. Andrew Wallace, Cecily Michaels, Dr Helen Haines MP, Kate Chaney MP, Peter Bourke, Senator David Pocock, Alton Twine, Alison McCormack, Alton Twine, Alison McCormack, Stephen Hodge.

* This event was made possible with the support of the Australian Institute of Transport Planning and Management, represented by CEO Kirsty Kelly and Better Streets, represented by the Chair Sara Stace.

Photography: Andrew Taylor
Videography: John Kovacs – Candlelight Pictures
Updated: 21 August 2024.