Councils urged to build for active journeys and a post-COVID recovery
28 August 2020 | Announcement

A major survey out today reveals three in four (76%) Victorians want their local and state governments to invest in footpaths and bikeways that make it easier to walk and ride a bike.
The survey by VicHealth comes at a time when Councils are considering or have started rolling out infrastructure in response to physical distancing concerns and the increases in people walking and cycling during lockdown.
In response to the significant increase in walking and cycling during COVID lockdown, VicHealth is urging Councils to consider ‘building back better’ to lock in the benefits for physical and mental health, the local environment and for local businesses through increased foot traffic.
Key points:
- One in three (35%) Victorians planned to travel more by foot or bike than they did pre-coronavirus when restrictions ease, but safety was a barrier for many.
- 2 in 3 may ride for transport more if bike lanes were physically separated from the road.
- One in two Victorians are concerned about travel to work, study and other destinations when restrictions ease.
- In Victoria the City of Moreland, City of Yarra, City of Melbourne and City of Greater Bendigo have implemented measures to ensure residents can walk or cycle safely in local communities.
- In NSW, pop-up cycleways have been announced across metro and regional areas with the first 6 in the City of Sydney already under construction or completed.
- There is concern that the 7 in 8 trips displaced from public transport due to distancing requirements will result in increased traffic congestion as restrictions are eased unless walking and cycling options can be found.
Their media release can be viewed here.
Let’s Keep Moving – a video activating support for walking and cycling investment by local Councils
We Ride Australia recently launched an animated video that recognises the importance of walking and cycling for everyone during the COVID-19 restrictions. The call to action was contacting local Council to support walking and cycling provision for physical and mental health, better local transport options and an improved environment.
It can be seen at
Media contact:
Stephen Hodge,
Director – National Advocacy, We Ride Australia.
Mob. 0411 149 910