We Ride Australia

Bike Culture and Behaviour Change

Bike Culture and Behaviour Change

Sponsorship of the Bike Culture and Behaviour Change Award category is currently available. Email Stephen for a prospectus.


Excitement, momentum, inspiration and joy are all outcomes of the perfect promotion, campaign, communication or initiative.

Cycling is an amazing activity that is great for health, the environment, fitness, social connection, independence, sustainable transport and simply fun.

Advocates know what they are promoting is very positive, but there is a need to cut through to communicate just how amazing it is to ride and how many positive outcomes are achieved when more Australians have the option to ride a bike.

How we communicate, how we present, how we sell, or how we promote are all critical in driving culture change.


This award is open to any Australian organisation or individual who has delivered an outstanding initiative, program or event to promote cycling. Please include references to the following points when making your nomination for the Bike Culture and Behaviour Change Award:

  1. What role has this initiative played in achieving positive outcomes for cycling?
  2. How has this initiative demonstrated innovation in the promotion of cycling? Is there an objective measure of this success?
  3. How does this initiative promote the long-term behaviour change habits of the Australian community?
  4. How has this initiative promoted the long-term improvements to the wider community’s perception of cycling?
  5. How has this initiative or event promoted improvement in cycling safety?
  6. What is the key outstanding achievement in the past 12 months?
  7. What challenges have been overcome to achieve successful outcomes?