Cycling Awards

Elizabeth Calleja
Senior Advisor, Physical Activity at Heart Foundation
Elizabeth has extensive experience in public health both as a clinician and project manager.
Having worked in local government, state government and most recently within the not for profit sector at the National Heart Foundation, Elizabeth's knowledge, training and experience in preventative health measures places her central to NSW health discussions.

Michael Nieuswesteeg
Program Manager, Road Safety and Design - Austroads
Michael has extensive experience managing, leading the national conversation as the Program Manager, Road Safety Research at Austroads having previous been in charges of Road Safety Research Team of the Transport Accident Commission since 2008. He is responsible for the TAC’s extensive road safety and marketing research program, road safety measurement and program evaluation. For six years he has provided strategic advice to the $100m per year TAC Safer Roads Infrastructure Program, and has played a central role in the development of a strategic framework for a new $100m investment in cyclist and pedestrian safety infrastructure. He is currently leading a committee tasked with deciding how injuries should be measured and defined in Victoria, and identifying the best mechanism to facilitate measurement and analysis of road safety and injury data.

Bronwen Clark
CEO, National Growth Areas Alliance
Bronwen was appointed CEO of the National Growth Areas Alliance in 2018 and is recognised as a national expert on the issues facing the 5.3 million residents of outer urban growth areas across Australia. She has led a revitalisation of the organisation’s impact through a stronger focus on governance, research and policy development.
Bronwen was appointed to the Urban Policy Forum by the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Local Government, The Hon. Catherine King MP in May 2023 and was previously appointed to the Cities Reference Group under the Coalition government.
Leading a small, focussed team and a highly engaged national membership, Bronwen brings a strategic skillset to the Alliance, particularly advocacy, policy and government relations. She has consulted extensively to local government, small business and not-for-profits, and has worked with the Federal Government on multilateral trade negotiations, including representing Australia at the World Trade Organisation.
Bronwen holds a Master of Business Administration from Melbourne Business School, as well as Bachelor of Arts and a Graduate Diploma in Public Relations. She is a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, has held Ministerial-appointed Non-Executive Director roles with Victorian Government and currently volunteers as the Chair of the state peak body Volunteering Victoria.