Media Statement: Friday, 3rd September 2021

The release today of the Australian Infrastructure Plan 2021 (AIP21) by independent national advisors Infrastructure Australia signals a major shift in approach to our future infrastructure needs and planning.

Infrastructure Australia’s Infrastructure plan for the next 5 years was launched today. Image: Infrastructure Australia.

The transport infrastructure section of the plan, to which WeRide provided extensive input during the draft stages, is focused on addressing major changes with better mobility outcomes for all Australians through:

  • integrating transport networks and connecting our regions,
  • better choices for walking and cycling, and
  • obtaining better value from the once-in-a-generation spend on infrastructure that has occurred in response to COVID-19.

Enabling local, door-to-door mobility is one of the key themes in our ‘re-discovered’ local communities , with the Plan calling for the completion of continuous separated active travel networks so that people have the choice to walk, ride or use a micromobility device.

WeRide’s Director – National Advocacy Stephen Hodge, ensured the voice of bikes was part of the national consultation for the Plan,

“We were very pleased to be asked to assist with the drafts of the Transport section,

“The strong focus on bikes and active travel makes it much more likely bicycles will be appropriately considered in all policy and funding decisions by governments in the future,

“We couldn’t be happier with this plan led by Infrastructure Australia’s CEO, Romilly Madew, and her team – with a special shout-out to Transport lead, Matt Faber,” Hodge said.

“Additionally, the broad national consultation means that the nation as a whole ‘owns’ this plan, experts, planners and governments at all levels have all had input into it.”

Key points (direct link to the Plan here):

  • During the pandemic, walking and biking boomed. In some areas, cycling doubled year-on-year (ref.1)
  • We Ride Australia is the national independent voice for cycling and works federally to secure the policies, infrastructure and programs that will make our environment a better one for all Australians who choose to ride a bike.
  • Collaboration in the development of the national Infrastructure Plan is just one of the ways WeRide ensures the voice of bike riders is directly inputted into key policies and advisory groups nationally that will ensure cycling contributes to healthy, sustainable and safe communities throughout Australia.
  • The Transport section in the AIP21 places active transport at the centre of transport infrastructure policy.
  • Over half of all COVID infrastructure stimulus funding went to transport projects which must provide long term benefits beyond the sugar hit to construction (ref.2)
  • The AIP21 launched at 11.30am, Friday 3rd September, details to register can be accessed at the Infrastructure Australia website, launch details
  • Infrastructure Australia media release:


  • Stephen Hodge, Director – National Advocacy, We Ride Australia. Mob. 0411 149 910, email


  1. L.E.K Consulting commissioned by Infrastructure Australia 2020, Infrastructure beyond COVID-19: A national study on the impacts of the pandemic on Australia, Infrastructure Australia, Sydney, p 66, available via:
  2. Australian Infrastructure Plan 2021 – Executive Summary, page 40.