WeRide interviews experts on e-bike incentives
24 April 2024 | Policy & planning
Last week WeRide attended the excellent Active Transport Showcase hosted by Monash University called ‘Shifting Gears in Healthy Sustainable Cities – Global and local innovations in active mobility research‘.
In addition to the expert presentations from the Sustainable Mobility & Safety Research team kicked off by Dr Ben Beck and Dr Lauren Pearson and deep dives into co-design with children and youth, gender inequities, safety and a focus on AAA networks and speed from their colleagues, we were very pleased to have A/Prof Alex Bigazzi from the Uni of British Columbia and John MacArthur from the Transport Research and Education Centre, Portland State University speaking on e-bike financial incentives.
We interviewed John MacArthur on his work on North American incentives programs and also talked to Zoe McMaster from the City of Merri-bek in Victoria who have been early adopters of incentives for e-bikes in this country.
You may also have seen our recent interviews with the City of Adelaide and Holdfast Bay in South Australia which we published on the 5th March – click here for link to news+video.
John MacArthur is the Sustainable Transportation Program Manager at TREC at Portland State University and an instructor in civil and environmental engineering, teaching on new & emerging technologies in transportation. He is active in research related to sustainable and equitable transportation, particularly in the areas of emerging tech such as e-bikes, bike share, transit, and the relationship between transportation and public health.
Zoe McMaster is the Sustainable Communities Officer at the City of Merri-bek. In addition to establishing the ‘Open Streets’ program to make the arrival at local schools fun and safe for children walking and wheeling to school, they have recently wrapped up the second round of their Ride & Stride e-cargo bike program, providing 47 families a free four-week loan of an e-cargo bike over Term 3.
See more here: zerocarbonmerri-bek.org.au/more-merri-bek-families-switching-to-fun-fuss-free-school-runs-through-ride-stride-e-cargo-bike-trials/
*** Feature photo City of Merri-bek
*** All images courtesy of City of Merri-bek and John MacArthur, Portland State University