Coordinating the strategic approach to cycling and walking across Australia and NZ
In 2017 a decision was to transition from the Australian Bicycle Council (ABC) and establish Cycling and Walking Australia and New Zealand (CWANZ) with extensive representation from national advocacy groups. As a long-time member of the ABC, We Ride Australia took a leadership role in helping to define the direction of the new body, centred on a collaborative approach to address walking and cycling matters across Australia and NZ.
The group operates in the national interest to implement strategies and actions that will rapidly improve the conditions for, and the uptake of walking and cycling on transport and recreation networks across Australia and New Zealand.
Key objectives for the group will involve:
- Making walking and cycling an integral element of liveable, healthy and productive communities.
- Increasing investment in cycling and walking from all levels of government.
- Applied innovation and learning.
- Achieving National consistency and harmonisation.
Information sheet here: https://www.transport.wa.gov.au/mediaFiles/active-transport/AT_CYC_P_CWANZ_InfoSheet.pdf
CWANZ WEBSITE: www.cwanz.com.au