We Ride Australia

Parliamentary Friendship Group for Better Cities

Making Australian cities more liveable

The Parliamentary Friendship Group for Better Cities is a forum for ideas and discussion on how to make Australia’s capital and major cities more liveable, more resilient and more productive. Events are held regularly for Ministers, Members of Parliament, Senators and key advisors within Parliament each year and provide a critical platform to present expert input directly to the nation’s decision makers.

We Ride Australia is a founding member of the Better Cities group, which now numbers 18 national peak organisations. We were also a founding member of its predecessor, the Moving People 2030 Taskforce for several years before that.

We invite our members to attend these events with our Director – National Advocacy, Stephen Hodge. They provide a window into our work within Parliament and the key national peak groups that co-host each event with We Ride Australia.

A full listing of past events and photos can be seen on the Bus Industry Confederation’s (BIC’s) events page here. BIC performs the Secretariat and management functions for the Better Cities Group.

Recent event: Tuesday, December 3rd 2019 was the last event before the COVID-19 pandemic. It was hosted by National Growth Areas Alliance and showcased expert presentations on ‘Research and Practice from Australia’s Fast Growing Outer Suburbs’.

Please contact the team at any time to inquire about an upcoming event here.


Above: Lucy Turnbull speaking at a Parliament Friendship Group for Better Cities event in Parliament House Canberra.
Land & housing challenge, Making Cities Livable, Affordable & efficient, Federal Govt role.

Above: Yale Wong, ITLS University of Sydney – Better cities Function in Parliament House Canberra July 2019.

Above L-R: Stephen Hodge, Peter Keast, Andrew Giles MP, Dave Steadman, David Matthews, unknown, at Better Cities function in the Senate Alcove in Parliament House. Topic was Landscape in Cities.

Director – National Advocacy Stephen Hodge in discussion with then MP, Malcolm Turnbull at Parliament Friendship Group for Better Cities. Parliament House Canberra.